Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Gas Prices

My response to Never Ending Politics blog, about rising gas prices.

I completely agree with everything she said! This gas shit is rediculous! In California the gas is up to 5 freaking dollars a gallon. Like seriously how could anyone afford that? It's hard for people going to school and trying to work to pay that much. I personally never want to drive anywhere because of it. So many people are going to be pissed if it seriously comes down to riding buses and riding bikes. This has got to stop!

Incarceration Rates

Although the United States has less than 5 percent of the worlds population, it has almost a quarter of the world's prisoners. The United States currently has 2.3 million criminals incarcerated, which is more than any other nation. China is four times more populous that the US and only has 1.6 million people in prison. People in the United States are often put in prison for writing bad check and doing drug. These are crimes that would rarely produce prison sentences in any other country. In my opinion, I think it's a good thing we do. I feel much safer in the United States than I could ever be anywhere else. I don't think we should change anything.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008


My response is towards Governmental Confusion's blog, which is about illegal immigration.

Let me start off by saying he did an exceptional job on this particular blog. I completely agree with everything he said. A couple weeks ago I went to GameStop with my boyfriend so he could buy a new game Dark Sector. As we got in my car to drive away he was reading the back of the game, of course the first thing he noticed was every single thing was written in English AND Spanish. His first thought was that he might have accidentally purchased a Spanish version of the game. Although the video game was in fact in English, the fact that these thoughts even crossed his mind is ridiculous. Governmental Confusion states "We plaster Spanish on billboards and cereal boxes; we even offer the citizenship test in English and Spanish! Giving them no reason to have to learn." I couldn't agree with him more! I also agree that there is no problem whatsoever if an immigrant comes into our country and becomes a citizen, although I, and many others feel they must learn our language as well. I work at a restaurant Texas Roadhouse and I can't tell you how many times I've had to get someone who speaks Spanish and English to translate what someone wants to order to English. Most of the time, being our own employees. Out of respect for all of us they need to take the initiative and try to learn our language!

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Respect for our Presidents

In my opinion I'm not particularly for or against President Bush. I don't really know where exactly I stand with him, but in my opinion every president deserves our respect. I am fully aware that George Bush has made some decisions that aren't the smartest. I respect everyone’s right to dislike president Bush or his decisions. Although I believe that he more than everyone deserves everyone’s respect. I was driving down Highway 183 the other day and I saw a bumper sticker on the back of the car in front of me. It said "1.20.09" and something under it a little smaller. I pulled closer and saw "Bush's Last Day". I have to say I think it's pretty unnecessary and uncalled for. I understand that this is a free country and we have freedom of speech, but I don't think we should have so much disrespect for the man who runs our country. Everyone makes mistakes, and even though he may have made many, who hasn't? He just happened to do so while he was in office. I believe our country becomes more and more disrespectful as the years go on. Let's have a little respect for eachother, why don't we.

McCain Booed at Martin Luther King Speech

I read an article written by Will Thomas from the Huffington Post. The article was called McCain Booed at Martin Luther King Speech. Many years ago McCain had voted against and strongly opposed a federal holiday devoted to Martin Luther King. As he's stating this the entire crowd started booing him and he had to try to talk over them. I think it's ridiculous that they would do something like that, I mean in my opinion McCain knows he made a mistake and is admitting that to America and we can't cut him a break? Everyone makes mistakes including presidents or cadidates. It had to be hard on him to say that in front of millions and risk his chances of becoming president but he did it and we should respect him for that. McCain also stated that he "was largely unaware on the importance of King's work at the time".

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Clinton Camp Says Obama Plagiarized in Speech

Senator Hillary Clinton gave a campaign speech on Monday, and in which had accused Senator Barack Obama for plagiarizing in his speech in Milwaukee this weekend. Obama says he knows he should've given credit to Deval Patrick. Obama also claims to have heard Clinton say his lines "It's time to turn the page" and "Fired up and ready to go".
“Don’t tell me words don’t matter, ‘I have a dream.’ Just words? ‘We hold these truths to be self-evident that all men are created equal.’ Just words? ‘We have nothing to fear but fear itself.’ Just words? Just speeches?” These were the words that Barack Obama is being accused of plagiarizing. Apparently Deval Patrick had used a speech very similar in his race during 2006. Senator Barack Obama said this accusation was "absurd", "desperate", and that Senator Hillary Clinton was "carrying it too far." Obama claimed that he and Deval Patrick “trade ideas all the time.” Senator Hillary Clinton said that Barack Obama's speeches might be better but that she is better at solving problems.

I really liked this article, because it's a mistake anyone could make. People can accidentally forget to give credit to someone and be accused of plagiarism. I agree with Senator Barack Obama that Hillary Clinton was in fact "carrying it too far." I don't think that Obama was trying to get by with everyone thinking he came up with the speech on his own. He knows he's in the spotlight and everyone is watching everything he does and says.

Clinton Camp Says Obama Plagiarized in Speech

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Clinton and McCain Win New York

When it comes to winning the presidential race, Hillary Clinton beat out Barack Obama for the democratic candidacy. Hillary Clinton had a good showing with 60 percent of the votes as opposed to Barack Obama who only received 38 percent. Although there are many black neighborhoods in New York, Clinton still pulled out the victory against Obama.
With the help of the former Mayor Rudy Giuliani, McCain was able to win the state of New York. John McCain came through with 51 percent while Mitt Romney could only obtain 28 percent of the votes.
It seems to be an exciting race thus far. If you're interested in reading more about the subject here's the direct link: