Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Gas Prices

My response to Never Ending Politics blog, about rising gas prices.

I completely agree with everything she said! This gas shit is rediculous! In California the gas is up to 5 freaking dollars a gallon. Like seriously how could anyone afford that? It's hard for people going to school and trying to work to pay that much. I personally never want to drive anywhere because of it. So many people are going to be pissed if it seriously comes down to riding buses and riding bikes. This has got to stop!

Incarceration Rates

Although the United States has less than 5 percent of the worlds population, it has almost a quarter of the world's prisoners. The United States currently has 2.3 million criminals incarcerated, which is more than any other nation. China is four times more populous that the US and only has 1.6 million people in prison. People in the United States are often put in prison for writing bad check and doing drug. These are crimes that would rarely produce prison sentences in any other country. In my opinion, I think it's a good thing we do. I feel much safer in the United States than I could ever be anywhere else. I don't think we should change anything.